Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Portfolio - Future

I feel that my future is going to be very successful and I know I will be going towards the right path in life. Some goals that I have set for my near is future are to maintain good grades, have a good paying job, and to never let anything get in the way of things that I want and need to do. I need to stay motivated to reach my goals and keep striving for the best. My peers will also help me reach my goals by being there for me and having some type of leader. I do believe I will acheive my goals because I have gone to far to stop.


  1. Thats a good point I believe that you can do it. I can't wait to get to see you up on that stage with me, Andrew, and maybe Brian the only remaining middle schoolers.

  2. It's good to know that you have friends that'll help you!
