I am a very playful student, I like to throw paper airplanes in class most of the time while I am in class. My teacher was getting grumpy because I was always throwing my airplane. Even though I was throwing it around it didnt seem to distract this one student that was sitting right next to me. (First person)
During my lesson in class there was a student that was throwing this small paper airplane. He was uncontrollable it was insane! Now this student was making me very grumpy. He was very mischievous when it came to throwing his paper airplane. Suddenly it dropped to the floor, the object spun right to me and the wind made it spin faster and faster. I picked it up and threw it in the garbage so he would stop interrupting me while im teaching. (Third person ominent)
The student that was very quiet and on task knew the other mischievous student was going to throw this paper airplane. There then was the teacher that suddenly started to get grumpy and it seemed she could not focuss and teach the students while the student was throwing the paper airplane. (Third Person Limited)
You should review your notes again. These paragraphs do no match the point of view in which you were supposed to write in.
Don't confuse periods (.) with commas (,).
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