Thursday, June 2, 2011

Romeo and Juliet – Cause of Deaths

Romeo and Juliet die as a result of human errors. Juliet took potion that put her into an a coma. The thing is Romeo didn't know what she was doing this so she wouldn't have to marry prince. Then after people thought she was really dead, soon after Juliet's father wrote Romeo a letter telling him that she wasnt  dead. But a boy seen that she was "dead" so he went along and told Romeo what he had seen. Once Romeo left on his horse the letter went right past him. The biggest human mistake was writing the letter, either Juliet or her father should of told him in person before they did this mistake. Since Romeo didn't know she was in an a coma he killed him self because he could not deal with the fact that she was "dead" but she really wasnt. Juliet wakes up five minutes later then had seen Romeo's body laid flat on the floor dead. She grabs a minature sword and stabs her self in the upper body. This story is relevant to modern life because someone could kill there self by seeing there loved one dead by the side of them.

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