Wednesday, June 8, 2011

: UnGoogleable Research Paper Final Draft

Color Barrier Michael Bradshaw May 13, 2011 Period 3 Research Paper

Many years before the color barrier was broken the great Jackie Robinson wasworking a low paid job and eventually worked his way up wanting to be a baseball player.Jackie Roosevelt Robinson was born January 31, 1919, in Cairo, Georgia. He was thefirst African-American to play in baseball’s major leagues. He was named the region’sMost Valuable Player in baseball in 1938. His older brother inspired him to keep going inlife. The color barrier was created to symbolize black people can not play baseball, do to racism.

A little bit before he entered the big leagues, Jackie continued his education at theUniversity of California, Los Angeles. Where he became the University’s first student to winvarsity letters in four sports. According to his past, people know he was a good athletictalent before he even entered the Major Leagues. Jackie started his career with theKansas city Royals. Where and when he broke the color barrier on April 15, 1947.

According to the color barrier, it didn’t stop Jackie’s intentions to be the first one tobreak it. Nothing got in the way of his career. Mr. Robinson had tremendous speed andalso hitting abilities others did not have. There is nothing Jackie did not or could notpossibly do. The color barrier was based on white men not thinking black men could makeit in baseball.There are many factual things and also quotes that Jackie Robinson said. One quote that he said was “Playing sports can be a good career because of the fame and theglory you can have from being the best player in the game.” What made him so fantasticwas the vision, speed, and plate discipline. It was what helped him get into the hall of fameand of course breaking the color barrier.

Many years after Mr. Robinson retired, no one came close to breaking all threerecords that he set for most hits, bases stolen, and also best on base percentage. Thecolor barrier did not stop him from wanting to play baseball. He just wanted to do somethinghe was outstanding at. Now because of him breaking the color barrier, other manyAfrican-Americans now are playing in the major leagues.

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